Home Health Winter Skin Care: Tried Everything To Get Rid Of Acne? Eat These...

Winter Skin Care: Tried Everything To Get Rid Of Acne? Eat These Foods To Finally Beat It


Fight acne with healthy diet.


  • Acne can be a year-long problem for many people.
  • Revamp your winter diet to fight acne and other skin problems.
  • Include these winter-special foods to your diet.

For many of us, acne is a perpetual, year-round problem. It is usually considered a summer problem, when your skin gets oily and breaks out. Oily skin is just one of the causes of pimples; hormonal issues, stress, unhealthy diet – these and many other factors may cause acne, any time of the year. In fact, peak winter is the only time when we are too lazy and cold to wash our face regularly and apply those spine-chilling face packs. Result? Unclean skin and pimples!

What you eat shows on your skin. So, if you are suffering from pesky breakouts even in this chilli weather, tweak your diet to take care of your skin and avoid germ build-up.

(Also Read: 7 Foods That Can Cause Acne)

Here are 7 foods you may add to your winter diet for acne-free skin:

1. Orange

The juicy and tangy orange makes a comeback in winter with a splash. Eat one orange or drink a glass of orange juice every day to flush you toxins and clean your skin from within.

(Also Read: 7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne and Acne Scars)

Vitamin C-rich orange helps flush out toxins. 

2. Nuts

Almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios – all these nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that keep you warm while getting rid of unhealthy oils deposited in the skin layers. Remember to have just a handful of them every day.

3. Green Vegetables

Winter produce is full of vibrant greens. Spinach, cabbage, fenugreek, mustard – get all the fresh winter greens home and make skin-friendly meals with them every day. Nutritionist and Physician Dr. Parveen Verma claims, “eating green vegetables can do wonders for your skin.”

4. Kidney Beans

Zinc is largely used in topical treatments to combat acne. You can avail the benefits of dietary zinc to treat your skin naturally. Kidney beans (rajma) are a great source of zinc. Here we give you another reason to love rajma-chawal more than ever.

5. Sweet Potatoes And Carrots

Dermatologist Deepali Bhardwaj explains, “Foods rich in vitamin A help shrink sweat glands, reduce pore size and minimise bacterial infections.” Sweet potatoes and carrots are good sources of vitamin A and can easily be found in the winter produce.

6. Green Tea

Nothing warms us up than a hot cup of tea in the nippy evenings. As soon as the warm sunlight fades away, have a warm cup of green tea with honey. Green tea has antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds that can help fight acne.

(Also Read: 5 Winter Superfoods For Nourished And Radiant Skin)


Drinking green tea can help in fighting acne.
Photo Credit: iStock

7. Lentils And Pulses

The fibre and protein rich foods help a great deal in keeping skin free of problems. Lentils and pulses contain amino acids that don’t break into sugar, avoiding oil secretions.

Flaunt clear, acne-free skin this winter and enjoy the beautiful weather without any worry.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.

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