Bigg Boss 14: MNS leader raises objection over Jaan Kumar Sanu’s ‘Marathi language’ comment, makers apologize
Every year the Bigg Boss contestants indulge in some sort of controversy and this year is no different. A similar incident took place when Bigg Boss 14 contestant Jaan Kumar Sanu’s certain remarks revolving around ‘Marathi language’ did not go down well with MNS and Shiv Sena leaders. It all happened when Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu’s son got involved in an argument with housemate Nikki Tamboli who was seen having a conversation with Rahul Vaidya in the language. Jaan asks Nikki not to speak to him in that language and speak in Hindi after which she tells him that she wasn’t speaking about him so he shouldn’t be bothered.
On Wednesday, political leaders in Maharashtra including Shiv Sena leaders Aadesh Bandekar and Pratap Sarnaik and Yuva Sena leader Rahul Kanal took to Twitter and asked Bigg Boss makers to throw him out of the show. Rahul tweeted, “Kamal Sanu should be thrown out of @BiggBoss immediately and such humans should not be a part of any public forum at all @ColorsTV timely apology or you want this controversy for your TRP better render an apology and throw that retard out of the show !!!”
Kamal Sanu should be thrown out of @BiggBoss immediately and such humans should not be a part of any public forum at all @ColorsTV timely apology or you want this controversy for your TRP better render an apology and throw that retard out of the show !!!
— Rahul.N.Kanal (@Iamrahulkanal) October 28, 2020
बिग बॉस च्या व्यवस्थापनाने व ह्या व्यक्ती ने महाराष्ट्राची व मराठी जनतेची त्वरित माफी मागावी ज्यानी हे कृत्य केले त्याची तातडीने हकालपट्टी करावी… अशी बदनामी करणाऱ्यांची चित्रीकरण परवानगी महाराष्ट्र शासनाने रद्द करावी… शिवसेना चित्रपट सेना
— Adesh Bandekar – आदेश बांदेकर (@aadeshbandekar) October 28, 2020
#मराठी चा द्वेष करणाऱ्या @BiggBoss मधील कलाकाराला @ColorsTV ने त्वरित शो मधून काढले पाहिजे आणि त्या कलाकाराचा जाहीर निषेध.#म@MarathiBrain @MarathiRT @TulsidasBhoite @jogalshailaja
— Amit Bhadricha – अमित भाद्रीचा (@AmitBhadricha) October 28, 2020
Not just him but, MNS Film Division President Ameya Khopkar also said that Jaan should be thrown out of Mumbai and said that Colors TV could have chopped the scene but they didn’t.
मुंबईत राहून तर आता तुझं करिअर कसं बनतं जान सानू तेच बघतो आता मी.लवकरच तुला स्वत:ची चीड येईल ही माझी गॅरंटी. तुला थोबडवनार लवकरच आता आम्ही मराठी.
आणि कलर्ससारख्या वाहिनीने खरंतर हा सीन वगळायला हवा होता, पण एडिट केलं नाही ते बरं झालं, गद्दारांची तोंडं कशी असतात ते समजलं.— Ameya Khopkar (@MNSAmeyaKhopkar) October 28, 2020
जान कुमार सानू… मराठी भाषेची याला चीड येते म्हणे. अरे तू कीड आहेस मोठी… मुंबईतून हाकलून देण्यासाठी मी नाॅमिनेट करतोय याला.
— Ameya Khopkar (@MNSAmeyaKhopkar) October 28, 2020
Soon after the fiasco, Viacom18 Media Private Ltd issued an apology stating, “We have received objections regarding the reference to Marathi language during the episode broadcasted on 27th October 2020 on Colors channel. We have taken note of these objections and have taken corrective measures of removing the said part from all future broadcasts of the episode.”
This is the apology !!! Such rested should be out immediately !!!
— Rahul.N.Kanal (@Iamrahulkanal) October 28, 2020
#BiggBoss #BiggBoss14 #BB14
— COLORS (@ColorsTV) October 28, 2020
Keep reading this space for more updates related to Bigg Boss that airs Monday-Friday at 10.30 pm and Saturday-Sunday at 9 pm on Colors. It is available before TV exclusively on Voot Select. Keep logged in to for the latest updates. Twitter updates at @indiatvnews | Special coverage