A fat-soluble vitamin, it is much important for the proper functioning of human body
Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, has always grabbed the limelight due to its long list of health benefits. A fat-soluble vitamin, it is much important for the proper functioning of the human body. One of the major sources of vitamin D is the sun rays. It is also found naturally in some foods. Vitamin D helps build immunity, prevent inflammation, promote better metabolism, regulate blood pressure and more. But unfortunately, the increasing cases of vitamin D deficiency among people have been an alarming concern across the globe. In fact, a recent study, published in ‘The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism’, discovered that over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Hence, health experts and nutritionists often suggest vitamin d-enriched food in our daily diet for overall nourishment.
A new study has further found a link between vitamin D and skin health. As per the researchers, sufficient dosage of the sunshine vitamin may help lower the symptoms of severe eczema in children. For the uninitiated, eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is a type of skin allergy where red and itchy rashes appear arms and knees. It usually develops during early childhood and can be a long-lasting, chronic issue. The findings of the study were published in Pharmacology Research and Perspectives.
The investigators conducted a randomised controlled trial on 86 patients with the inflammatory skin condition. They were given the regular treatment and daily dosage of vitamin D for 12 weeks. As per the authors, it was found that “Vitamin D supplementation could be an effective adjuvant treatment that improves the clinical outcomes in severe atopic dermatitis.”
Taking all these points under consideration, it can be deduced, while we all are being extra cautious about stepping out of houses in this pandemic situation, food can play an important role to provide you and the children at home with the daily dose of vitamin D.
Hence, Chennai-based nutritionist, Dr. Preethi Raj, suggested a few vitamin D-enriched food options, which can easily be a part of our daily diet, across ages.
Also Read: How Much Vitamin D Is Too Much Vitamin D?

Here’re 5 Vitamin D-Packed Food Options For You:
Milk holds a firm place in a regular Indian diet. From having it as is to adding it to chai, smoothies, dessert and more – milk is used in different ways on a daily basis. As per the book ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publishing House, “Use full-fat milk, as it contains only 4 percent of fat; take out its fat, and its fat-soluble vitamin A, D, E and K are also reduced.”
If you are anything like us, then no amount of cheese is just enough for you. Alongside adding taste and texture to various recipes, cheese is often considered one of the top 5 sources of vitamin D.
Also Read: Say Cheese! These 4 Healthy Cheese Varieties Are Diet-Friendly

Cook it, bake it or fry it, a bowl of mushroom is just what you need for your daily vitamin D fix. It is chewy, juicy and can be a healthy addition to your meal plan.
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that eggs are a man’s best friend. They not only help you whip up quick and variety of dishes in no time but also provide several essential nutrients that do wonders for your overall health. While egg whites are considered a storehouse of protein, the yolk is enriched with vitamin D, healthy fats and more.
Also Read: How Many Eggs Should You Eat In A Day If You Are Diabetic? Experts Reveal

Winter is here and the fruit shops in the market are packed with various delicious fruits. All you need to do is, get some fruits, prepare fresh juice and indulge. This will provide you with a good amount of vitamin D, without much struggle.