Actor Salman Khan‘s hosted Bigg Boss 14 will see an action-packed Weekend Ka Vaar on Saturday. Challengers Rakhi Sawant and Arshi Khan will have a tough time this weekend as Salman gives housemates a ‘Tameez Ka Dose’ task. The promo video shows a new task in where co-contestants are seen punishing Rakhi and Arshi for passing distasteful comments against Nikki Tamboli and Vikas Gupta.
The promo opens with Salman introducing a the task, named ‘tameez ka dose’. He asks the contestants to give a shot of a bitter liquid to two contestants who they think need a lesson on manners and morals, stating a valid reason. “
Rubina Dilaik begins the task by giving Arshi Khan a shot. She accuses her of spoiling the atmosphere of the house.
“Sir Tameez ka ye shot, uss batameez insaan ke liye jisne ye ghar ka mahool badnuma kar diya hai,” Rubina says as she runs after Arshi to give her the shot.
Rahul Mahajan, Eijaz Khan, Abhinav Shukla too votes against Arshi while condemning her actions against Vikas Gupta and Nikki Tamboli.
Rahul Mahajan calls her ‘the most badtameez person’. ” Bigg Boss ke itihaas mein agar sabse batameez koi hai, toh voh hai Arshi,” he says.
Without naming the person, Kashmera Shah says, “I don’t like what she is doing with her husband. If Krushna Abhishek would have been here, I may not have been able to take it.” Replying to Kashmera’s comment, Arshi said, “Excuse me, I am not interested.”
After Arshi, Rakhi turns out to be the second target with Aly Goni, Jasmin Bhasin, Rubina and Abhinav targeting her for her foul language.
Mahajan also targets Rakhi and says, “she does a tragedy in comedy.”
Meanwhile, the third target is Nikki Tamboli, who gets a shot from Kashmera.
Rahul Vaidya also targets Nikki for commenting on his personal life, while Rakhi gives her a shot for saying, ‘what has Rakhi done in the last 15 years?”
Dropping the Promo, ColorsTV wrote “Gharwalon ko jin-jinke behaviour se thi problem, unn sabko mila tameez ka dose. Par kya #BiggBoss14 ke ghar ka mahaul rahega pehle jaisa hi, ya badlenge log? Dekhiye #WeekendKaVaar, aaj raat 9 baje, #Colors par.”
Gharwalon ko jin-jinke behaviour se thi problem, unn sabko mila tameez ka dose. Par kya #BiggBoss14 ke ghar ka mahaul rahega pehle jaisa hi, ya badlenge log?
Dekhiye #WeekendKaVaar, aaj raat 9 baje, #Colors par.Catch it before TV on @VootSelect.#BB14 #BiggBoss2020
— ColorsTV (@ColorsTV) December 19, 2020