Pavitra Rishta actress Ankita Lokhande celebrated her 36th birthday on Saturday with a few friends from the television industry, family, and boyfriend Vicky Jain. She was looking gorgeous in a shimmering golden dress and light makeup. She took to Instagram to share a video from the celebrations, which included birthday cakes, bouquets of flowers, balloons, and music. Sharing a video from the party, Ankita wrote: “Birthday celebration… Thank you, everyone.”
Watch it here:
On Saturday, the actress shared a few pictures and videos from her birthday celebrations where she could be seen wearing a navy blue skater dress with a red floral design. She captioned the video, “Birthday special…Happy birthday”
She shared another picture and wrote, “Wishes and dreams”
Many television stars like Karanvir Bohra, Nisha Rawal, Asha Negi poured in wishes for the actress. Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti also wished her in the comment section. “Happy Birthday beautiful,” Shweta wrote along with a heart emoji.
Ankita and Sushant, who shared the screen in the popular TV show ‘Pavitra Rishta’ had been in a relationship for six years, which ended in 2016. Recently, Ankita and the team of the show paid an emotional tribute to Sushant at the Zee Rishtey Awards 2020.